New suit, old school style

Oh now! New uniform? Why thank you very much. While I really want to save the planet, and don’t want to discard perfectly serviceable clothes after a couple of years, standing in front of a class in a faded uniform really doesn’t get across our pride in our art and our links with tradition.

Just got off the phone from our insurance company and they tell us that some clubs change their uniforms (a bit like football clubs) as a way of generating income. I reeled, sat back in my chair and gasped. We worked too hard, too long to earn the stripes on our instructor uniforms. We never wanted to wear black Cobra Kai suits, although Lord knows they are cool. OUR pyjamas are staying white, thank you very much. They mean something to us. A bit of a statement.

Yes, we are open to new stuff and yes, ours is an art and not something fixed in stone, we can take our traditional moves and make something new and beautiful. But thousands and thousands of people have learned Taekwondo our way and know the patterns and techniques the way we know them. We are determined to pass those on. We are proud to wear a uniform that says that.

Now Daniel, san, show me wax on, wax off again.

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